Saturday, May 14

Rest in peace, Mike

The owner of Toad's Place died last week.
I have many memories of Mike serving behind the bar too, he mixed and placed a drink in seconds.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) - The founder of Toad's Place located in New Haven passed away.
Founder, Mike Spoerndle along with his friend and business partner Brian Phelps worked together at Toad's Place since it's opening in the 1970's.

"The first time I ever saw him, he was at the door, collecting money, he had one guy in a headlock, and he's collecting money in the other arm, he's got one foot up on the door, directing traffic. That's how I met the guy, you know," says Phelps.

Many well known bands played some of their first live shows on the Toad's Place stage.

Toad's Place on York Street is a magnet for some of the biggest names in rock, country and pop. Bob Dylan, James Taylor and Bon Jovi all jammed there. The Rolling Stones made a surprise visit in 1989.

"He and I were always elated when we'd have a monster act here, that was always. First one we had here is Springsteen," says Phelps.

Spoerndle's battle with drugs forced Phelps to finally buy full control of the company in 1995. But Spoerndle's legacy is much like the music he adored will always have a place at Toad's Place.

"He searched out new musical talent. He played it when others didn't even know about it. He brought it into the club for the first time ever," says Phelps.


Gledwood said...

Big George, who used to do the late night phone in on BBC London radio died last week. I was really gutted.

Thanks for your message. Valerie might be writing a book.

Do you hear voices in your head? Or outside your head? Or anywhere? Please RSVP at mine. I'm doing a survey.

the guy in the silk taffeta dress said...

Hi Gledwood,
Sure I'd be glad to participate.
Valerie is a riot !