Wednesday, April 13

you couldn't mess around with granny

Above, Penny dances with Granny's carnival teddy bear. Granny didn't think the bear needed dancing and cut it short.
Poor Penny wanting to take the bear out for some fresh air and granny didn't think her bear needed it.
Granny blew a major fuse over Penny's activities with the bear and she received royal hell for it.


Sarcastic Bastard said...


Love you. Hope all is well.


the guy in the silk taffeta dress said...

Thank you, SB,
She would've dug you too.

Gledwood said...

Yeah I wish mine were alive. One died when I was still at school. The other died of cancer, doped up to the eyeballs on morphine/etc! I couldn't handle seeing my own grandmother on gear so I was reduced to writing letters. At the funeral everybody accosted my brother saying "was it you who wrote those letters?!" Apparently they caused quite a stir..!

the guy in the silk taffeta dress said...

Thank you Gleds,
Your letters sound interesting. I wish your granny still alive too.
Old people are shocked by nothing and they've lived so long & know so much.