Thursday, January 6


These aren't my favorite and I don't know why their played over and over, my recurrent dreams.
One dream involves a room with dead and dying fish. The heads and tails have outgrown and stick out of the tanks. Huge gaping mouths face me with a pleading look. I'm racing to add water & food to the tanks. I never really manage to rescue any of them before I awake.
Another of my recurrent dreams is a batch of baby penguins in my bath tub. Similar to the fish dream, I run back & forth with pails of ice to fill the tub. Again I awake before I can really help them. I've dreamt these dreams over 20 years and I find them very unpleasant. All of my dreams aren't centered around trying to rescue something desperate & helpless. I have dreams that are so pleasant I cling to them and wake up longing for that which made me feel so contented.

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